Thursday, October 26, 2006
Nintendo Profits Up 72%, Sony's Down 94%
from Slashdot by Zonk
Gamasutra is reporting on reporting, with financial information from some of the large gaming companies becoming available this week. Nintendo, who had already previously raised projections, saw their profits up 72% over last year. This dramatic increase was credited largely to the DS, with 10.9 million units sold in the first six months of this year alone. Sony, on the other hand, dropped profits by 94% over this time last year. The company attributes this largely to the battery recall and PS3 start-up costs. From the article: "The company's games division reported a ¥43.5 billion ($366.6m) loss, from a ¥8.2 million ($69,000) profit in 2005, thanks to research and development, manufacturing and marketing costs related to the launch of the PlayStation 3. Sales and operating revenue were down by 20.5 percent to ¥170.3 billion ($1.43bn). A decrease in hardware sales worldwide was attributed to a drop in price for the PlayStation 2 and PSP. Software sales also decreased overall, although individual PSP sales were up on the previous year. Combined profit from the PS2 and PSP business was described as 'relatively unchanged'."
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sony Exec Says Nintendo Died Three Years Ago
Sony Exec Says Nintendo Died Three Years Ago Jack Tretton, the Executive Vice President for Sony Computer Entertainment America, recently sat down with GameDaily BIZ and revealed some interesting pieces of information. For starters, Nintendo went out of business in June 2003, and everything we've seen since then have been phantom pains.
"The DS was just a figment of people's imaginations," Tretton explained. "Not only has it not sold well, it didn't even exist."
Tretton pointed out that the popularity of the PS2 was so massive it demolished Nintendo's sales and morale, and the company simply folded as a result. "There is no Nintendo anymore, and there never will be a Nintendo!," Tretton exclaimed.
The Sony VP then went on to demonstrate how his company continues to expand. "The PSP is so popular, everyone owns at least two devices and thirty games," he expounded. "Five billion Playstation 2s have been sold this year alone."
According to Tretton, the PS3 should prove to be so popular that it will cause cable companies to go bankrupt, "because the only reason to use a TV will be to play a PS3" he said.
Jack Tretton, the Executive Vice President for Sony Computer Entertainment America, recently sat down with GameDaily BIZ and revealed some interesting pieces of information. For starters, Nintendo went out of business in June 2003, and everything we've seen since then have been phantom pains.
"The DS was just a figment of people's imaginations," Tretton explained. "Not only has it not sold well, it didn't even exist."
Tretton pointed out that the popularity of the PS2 was so massive it demolished Nintendo's sales and morale, and the company simply folded as a result. "There is no Nintendo anymore, and there never will be a Nintendo!," Tretton exclaimed.
The Sony VP then went on to demonstrate how his company continues to expand. "The PSP is so popular, everyone owns at least two devices and thirty games," he expounded. "Five billion Playstation 2s have been sold this year alone."
According to Tretton, the PS3 should prove to be so popular that it will cause cable companies to go bankrupt, "because the only reason to use a TV will be to play a PS3" he said.
Posted by ChrisV82 on September 25, 2006 01:35 AM
Girls I would like to get a high score on...
The Glowing Target Wii Gift Card


Sunday, October 22, 2006
Dragonball Z Wii
Nintendo Wii Media | DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 Screens
Cubed3 -
By Jorge Ba-oh (jb). Another system, another dose of Dragonball Z action. Promising to be one of the biggest fighting titles to date ...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Avatar: The Last Airbender preview out.
Nintendo Wii: Avatar: The Last Airbender Preview Now Online
Video Game Generation - Greensboro,NC,USA
... It makes its sole next-gen appearance on the Nintendo Wii, but is it going to offer much of an improvement over the last-gen titles? ...
Holiday Marketing...
Nintendo Wii, DS Holiday Marketing Assault - Brantford,ON,Canada
by Sickr. Nintendo has announced that they have allocated £6.5 million for a Wii and DS marketing blitz which is set to storm both TV and cinema. ...
480p for the Wii, but cables are online only - Brantford,ON,Canada
Nintendo has announced that component cables will be available for Wii, so gamers with high definition televisions will be able to see Wario Ware in all its ...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Nintendo Australia Wii Party invites up for grabs
Nintendo Australia Wii Party invites up for grabs -
Nintendo to spend £12.5m marketing consoles this Xmas
Nintendo to spend £12.5m marketing consoles this Xmas
Pro-G –
Nintendo has revealed multimillion pound campaigns to promote the Wii and Nintendo DS this Xmas. ...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
EB strikes exclusivity deal over GameCube Zelda
EB strikes exclusivity deal over GameCube Zelda -
EB Games has confirmed to tonight that the Nintendo GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be exclusive to all of ...
Old projects resurrected to create the Mii Channel
Old projects resurrected to create the Mii Channel -
19 Oct 2006 - Nintendo's Mii Channel fuses some of its decade-old ideas, explain some of those behind the project. Continuing its ...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Interesting Info on back of Wii Retail Box
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Wednesday October 18, 2006 2:46 PM EDT | |
The guys at Wiixors snapped some shots of the back of the Wii retail box that's stacked 20 high in the window of your local game shop. On the list of the box contents is the standard fare, except for number eight, the "Wii Startup Disc." We're guessing it's a limited trial version of the Opera browser and some marketing junk. Or it could just be Wii Sports. Everybody take a deep breath. |
Beup, Nintendo DS and... Wifi maybe?
Beup, Nintendo DS and... Wifi maybe?
Atomic - Australia
Yes that's a link to beup... MSN on DS... i haven't had a chance to test it as i dont have the hardware for net connection for my ds. ...
Strange Disc comes with Wii console
Wednesday October 18, 2006 5:26 AM EDT |
The guts over at Kotaku noticed something strange in the back of the Wii box. |
Tokyo Edge: The Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Portable Add-Ons, and ...
Tokyo Edge: The Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Portable Add-Ons, and ...
PC World -
launch. Adding to the competition is the Nintendo Wii, which launches on December 2 in
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wii Kiosks Top
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Tuesday October 17, 2006 11:30 AM EDT | |
Filed under: News We could have named this post "Wiiosks", but we have more respect for you than that. Anyway, in IGN's generally uninformative "Nintendo Minute" section, George Harrison takes the opportunity to reveal a few of the more specific details about the upcoming Wii kiosks. The rumored Gamestop/EB Games exclusivity might still be true, as it appears that the pre-built, completely self-contained units will only go toward "certain retailers". However, many other retailers will simply... |
Just how girly is the Wii?
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Tuesday October 17, 2006 10:14 AM EDT | |
Filed under: Fan stuff , Controller Apparently, pretty girly. 'Cause, you know, women only care about cute packaging and accessories. Tee hee! It's hard to understand why someone would write a piece like this on GameWorld Network. Who's likely to read it -- a gamer who happens to be female, or one of the super girly-girl types whose only encounter with Nintendo occurred during third grade? The article seems to be written toward and about the latter, but the former is more likely to read it,... |