Gotta love Robot Chicken!!!
This blog is apart of the GamersVue News Network, the Nintendo section was created to provide you with News, information, and the current goings on in this sphere of gaming. Your Game, Your Vue.
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Friday November 10, 2006 12:13 PM EST | |
Filed under: Fan stuff The day for Zelda: Twilight Princess draws nearer and nearer. It has been three years since fans last saw a console Zelda title. The anticipation and hype surrounding this game couldn't be stronger and to further antagonize you, we've got more screens. Screens of visually arresting landscape, gigantic monsters, and our favorite hero. Time couldn't possibly go any slower. |
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UPDATED: Friday November 10, 2006 1:15 PM EST | |
Filed under: News To follow the tantalizing screens we recently showed you from the Wii assembly line we present to you a video to cause more salivation. You will get some nice Wii packaging action mixed with some footage of the Wiimote getting dressed and Zelda: Twilight Princess getting boxed. You also see the Wii get shoved along in pairs and mountains of accessories ready to make their way to your greedy hands to tear open in nine days. Wii just can't wait! Catch the action after the... |
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Friday November 10, 2006 2:15 PM EST | |
Filed under: Fan stuff If you aren't one of the millions of people already hooked on the TV series, LOST ... where the hell have you been? Trying to find logic inside Sony madness, no doubt. In honor of the Mii system, the cast of the series has been caricature-ified. Looks like no one will be safe from getting turned into a Mii. We wonder how many other famous people will get duplicated using this system. Maybe someone out there with too much time on their hands will create crazy celebrity... |