Thursday, November 09, 2006

PS3 vs. Wii

Wii pwns PS3.. and olde. but goode

Fanboys hijack Nintendo Wikipedia entry

Fanboys hijack Nintendo Wikipedia entry
from Joystiq by Blake Snow
Filed under: , , , This morning at 11:10 AM CST and presumably by either a friend of Sony or Microsoft, someone sabotaged Nintendo's Wikipedia entry replacing the full article with the following thoughtful and provocative statement: "Nintendo Sucks!!!!!1" In the short moments before Wikipedia admins could get the correct page back up, the assailant successfully misled several would-be Nintendo fans to assume the company had gone out of business, then deciding to "switch teams." This is all according to an unsubstantiated Digger and Flickr user. All in good fun. But vandalism (or hoax) FTW!
*sigh* It's a GAME machine people.

Nintendo makes poopsky Wii advertorials

Nintendo makes poopsky Wii advertorials
By Blake Snow
A recent issue of UK's Prima magazine featured a disturbing Nintendo advertorial (ie an advertisement pretending to be an article) pitching Wii to the non-gamer type. This thing is so misleading, we'll just note the worst and wallow in ...

Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime: Changing the Video Game Industy is a ...

Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime: Changing the Video Game Industy is a ...
During his keynote speech at the Montreal International Game Summit today, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime said that his company will take gaming from “a class to the mass" with the Wii.

Montreal Panel Talks Wii, Graphics, Competing

Montreal Panel Talks Wii, Graphics, Competing


Thursday November 9, 2006 8:10 PM EST

In Montreal today, execs from some of the most well-known development studios came together to talk about the appeal of the Wii, the importance of graphics and fair competition.