"Electronic Arts V.P. Sees Problems With Revolution
Written by Jason Dobson
With all of the hype surrounding Nintendo's Revolution platform, some personalities have begun to step forward and voice their concerns, most recently Katamari-creator Keita Takahashi and game music personality Tommy Tallarico. The latest to jump on the bandwagon according to Gamasutra is Electronic Arts Los Angeles Vice President and General Manager Neil Young, who mentioned at GDC in March that he sees a few potential problems with the upcoming next-generation console. Commenting on the Revolution, the often vocal former president of Origin Systems said: 'One of the challenges for the Revolution is that it's not HD. If you think about RTS games, one element is the control scheme, but the other is the distance from the TV screen when you're playing a console game versus a PC game.' I just don't get this as a sticking point. Sure, I would love to have my Revolution games in HD, but I don't see this as a 'make or break' issue. He also laments on his thoughts regarding the lack of power underneath the Revolution's hood, commenting, 'So I think there are some questions there, and the other issue is performance. The hardware performance is sort of current gen plus, versus the 10x or 20x multiple that you get on next-gen. I mean, EA is building stuff for it, but I kind of prefer the DS. It makes the most sense to me.'

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