Filed January 20, 2007 @ 4:57 pm
An anonymous local Nintedo rep, (the kind that checks in on EB stores) gave me a little inside info today. The word around the company is that promises of Mario Galaxy in the spring are not going to be kept. Although, the New Metroid for Wii will be coming sometime between April and June. He also told me that Metroid will be the first Wii game to be playable over the internet. When, I expressed my dismay at lack of Wi-Fi capable games at launch he explained that the infrastructure is all up and has been ready to go. The lack of Wi-Fi games so far has been due to developers not making use of it.
Take it for what it’s worth, but I predict a showdown this fall/Christmas between everybody’s favorite little plumber and the Master Chief. And, by then Sony will most likely be offering free hand-jobs to get people to buy the PS3.
Source: The GameDrift Podcast » Rumor: Mario Galaxy Pushed Back To X-mas Metroid Coming in April
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